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Poe Studies Association (PSA)
The PSA is an academic association of individuals interested in current scholarly studies on Poe. It sponsors Poe-related sessions at the annual conferences of the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Literature Association (AMLA). It also publishes The Edgar Allan Poe Review, with Spring and Fall issues. (It formerly published a newsletter twice a year.) Annual membership dues, and contact information, are noted on their website:
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

Poe National Historic Site (Philadelphia)
This is the house Poe lived in from fall of 1842 (or June of 1843) to April of 1844. Administered through:
Independence National Historic Park
313 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106 For tour information, call (215) 597-8780
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

Poe Foundation (Richmond Poe Museum)
This organization maintains a museum dedicated to Poe, with many interesting artifacts. The Poe Foundation
1914-16 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23223
For tour information, call (804) 648-5523 or 1-888-21E-APOE
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

Poe Cottage in New York (Fordham/Bronx)
Poe lived in this house during the last years of his life. His beloved wife, Virginia, died here in 1847. The Poe cottage is in Poe Park; Grand Concourse and East Kingbridge Road; Bronx, New York.
The Poe Cottage is maintained by:
The Bronx County Historical Society
3266 Bainbridge Avenue
Bronx, New York 10467
For tour information, call (212) 881-8900
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

The Raven Society of the University of Virginia
As a student honor society, the Raven Society does not accept members from the general population. They do, however, sponsor a number of public events in the Charlottesville, Virginia area and they help to maintain the room in which Poe stayed while he was the University of Virginia.
The Raven Society
Box 412 Newcomb Hall Station
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904
E-Mail: Ravens@Virginia.edu
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poets

MPT: Knowing Poe (Thinkport)
An extremely attractive multi-media presentation on Poe’s life and works. It earned a Webby Award in 2005. (Requires Flash and Real Audio.)
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

An Index of Poe-related Sites
Heyward Ehrlich’s “A Poe Webliography: Edgar Allan Poe on the Internet” provides an extremely useful, categorized index of sites with a variety of information about Poe and his writings.
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

Extensive Online Exhibit of Poe Collection at HRCL, University of Texas at Austin
The Harry Ransom Center of the University of Tezas at Austin holds what is probably the single largest and most significant archive of Poe material in the world. Among many highlights are Poe’s desk from the Southern Literary Messenger, the finest surviving example of Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), the original manuscrip for “The Domain of Arnheim,” Poe’s own copy of The Raven and Other Poems and Tales (1845) with numerouus handwritten corrections, and dozens of original letters by Poe.
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe
A portrait of Poe noted as “attributed to Rembrandt Peale” is probably not authentic. This portrait, along with quite a few others, sometimes attributed to Peale or to Thomas Sully, may be by Ferdinand Danton, who was active in the 1930s and died about 1939. The Delaware Museum of Art apparently has a file on him, and several examples of his handiwork. He may also have created a fake portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, a portrait which looks a good deal like the one of Poe.

Online Exhibit of Poe Memorabilia: Susan Jaffe Tane Collection
Cornell University is hosting an online exhibit of an amazing collection of Poe books and manuscripts. It includes first printings of all of the books printed during Poe’s lifetime, with one of only 12 known copies of the 1827 Tamerlane, along with a number of letters and manuscripts of such literary works as “Epimanies,” “Spirits of the Dead,” “To Zante” and several fragments. A printed catalog is also available from Cornell.
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe
Reservations should be noted about two items in the exhibit:
1) A silhouette of Poe, with the initials “EAP.” This item has been questioned by Michael Deas, the recognized authority on Poe iconography.
2) A charchoal portrait supposedly of Poe and Mrs. Allan. The woman in the portrait bears no resemblance to Frances Allan, and the boy is too young to allow for the possibility of the woman being the second Mrs. Allan. More troubling, the clothing suggests a date closer to 1880 than 1820. Charcoal portraits gained great popularity in the latter half of the 19th century.

Poe Studies: Dark Romanticism
Poe Studies: Dark Romanticism is a long-established and well-respected academic journal, with one or two numbers published more or less annually since 1968. Many articles have been contriubted by leading Poe scholars.
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

The Poe Decoder
A Web page that serves as a list of links to some of the more useful Poe sites, maintained by Christoffer Nilson (“Qrisse’s Poe Pages”), Martha Womack (“Precisely Poe”), and their compatriots.
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

The Eureka Project
A web site that specializes in interpretations and analyses of Poe’s most perplexing work, and the one that he considered his most significant achievement: Eureka: A Prose Poem (1848).
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

House of Usher
An intriguing web page that emphasizes, but is not limited to, a popular approach to Poe, including lists of films and comic books based on Poe’s works and numerous commercial offerings from videos to t-shirts. This somewhat eccentric site is maintained by Peter Forrest. It has been around for several years and is deservedly well recognized.
Web Site: Edgar Allan Poe

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