Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Anne Bennett
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Anne Bennett

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Anne Bennett. I discovered this artist while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked the atmosphere of her music.

Are you ready to be bewitched by this fascinating artist?

Her voice struck me from the very first notes, a sexy and sinuous voice that warmed my heart and my soul.
A very good vocal interpretation that made me believe in the words sung in the lyrics.

The melody of the new single “Highway Boys” by this talented artist made me travel with my imagination and I saw myself driving a convertible in the Nevada desert without having a precise destination to reach.

The freedom and the air in my hair were enough for me to feel part of the universe. Somehow this music has cured me and made me forget the problems of everyday life.

If you want to spend 5 magical minutes press the play button and enjoy this beautiful song.

Highway Boys is Anne Bennett’s Single Out Now!

Dreamy and Fascinating!


Born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts, Anne Bennett is an alternative singer/songwriter whose haunting, melancholic vocals soar over dark, melodies concerning death, love, heaven and hell, and are often influenced by her days living in the infamous Witch City.

Find Anne Bennett Here:


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