Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Gallóglaigh
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Gallóglaigh

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Gallóglaigh. I discovered this Band while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked their sound a lot.

Finally some pure Black Metal, the one influenced by solitude, fog, rain and Norwegian forests.

This genre after an amazing start in the 90s with bands like Emperor, Burzum, Mayhem, Satyricon etc then went through a “commercial” period that I didn’t like at all.  For example, the latest Albums by Dimmu Borgir are truly useless in my opinion.

Luckily there are bands like Gallóglaigh that keep Black Metal alive. Their sound is made of real, raw, and direct sounds, made of sweat and blood on the guitars, made by a singer who tears his lungs to express his pain while singing.

This is what I like, the pure passion and instinct of artists who do not follow commercial rules but who throw their most real emotions into music.

Absolutely recommended to all lovers of this genre.

Sparth is Gallóglaigh’s Album Out Now!

Real and Powerful!


Not your traditional sounding black metal. A solo project conceived out of the creative process for a completely separate musical project, the debut Album “Sparth” and more importantly the band itself, Galloglaigh, exploded into existence after only a few short months of writing.

We are not a high fidelity/immaculate quality band. If you want that, look elsewhere. If you want a project that fuses the sound of raw black metal with new ideas, click play.

Find Gallóglaigh Here:


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