Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Lou Hill
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Lou Hill

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Lou Hill. I discovered this Artist while shuffling songs on Spotify I was fascinated by his artistic vision.

As soon as I hit the play button and Lou Hill’s words and music began to fall on me like the rain in November I was impressed by this magnificent work of art.

Dogends is the result of the collaboration between two friends who have decided to join forces to bring their vision to reality.

I love when artists are able to express themselves so freely by proposing innovative art that combines so many emotions and inspirations.

Lou Hill’s attention to every detail is almost maniacal. Each sentence, sound, and note fit together perfectly and the music accompanies the words emphasizing them and making you live an incredible artistic experience.

Dogends is not an album to be listened to just once, it takes more time to truly appreciate all these magnificent nuances.

I recommend everyone to take this magical journey, it’s worth it!

Dogends is Lou Hill’s Album Out Now!

Magical and Unique!


Dogends is a collaboration between two old friends. Friends from way back when. One catching the other’s words and painting them into a picture. A sonic backdrop that breathes a different kind of life into them. Stalks them. Haunts them.

Words filled with memories and faded snapshots that still feel vivid enough to taste. The water rings on the table top.

Words so specific to a place that they should come with a map but, once uprooted, could have come from any place, any street corner, any shop queue, any bar, or any dawn-lit bedroom.

There’s history in those dogends you were about to chuck away. A richness you were once quick to dismiss. Those stories have the whole scope and whirlwind of life in them, still smouldering away in the ashtray.

Dogends is the place you’ll never truly leave because it’s place that will always be a part of you.

Find Lou Hill Here:


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