Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Lulled by The Waves is No Terror in The Bang's Single Out Now
Lulled by The Waves is No Terror in The Bang’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
From the very first spooky chime, No Terror in The Bang’s “Lulled by The Waves” hooks you like a siren’s call.

Lulled by The Waves is No Terror in The Bang’s Single Out Now

The eerie intro, dripping with chilling effects and the singer’s bewitching vocals, is a masterclass in atmosphere-building. This is no gentle lullaby; it’s a descent into the shadowy depths where the waves hold secrets.

But No Terror isn’t content with simply setting the scene. The song masterfully builds in intensity. The chord progressions are meticulously crafted, each note adding to the growing disquiet.

The rhythmic dynamic is a symphony of restraint and release, simmering tension before exploding into cathartic screamo outbursts.

And through it all, the singer’s voice transforms, effortlessly shifting from haunting whispers to raw, impassioned screams.

It’s clear that these are no mere musicians; they’re sonic alchemists, turning notes into a potent brew of emotion.

The interplay between instruments is flawless and shows the countless hours spent honing their craft in the rehearsal room.

Every element feels deliberate, calculated to pull the listener deeper into the song’s dark undertow.

“Lulled by The Waves” isn’t a song for the faint of heart. It’s a visceral experience, a plunge into the heart of darkness with an exhilarating rush of adrenaline.

Lulled by The Waves is No Terror in The Bang’s Single Out Now!


Originating from the town of Rouen on France’s Normandie, No Terror in The Bang has recorded at first a « Cinematic Metal » album. It weaves a chiaroscuro universe, between fragility and fury. Band’s name recalls a quote from Alfred Hitchcock, evoking the calm before the storm and the tension of his films : “ There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. ” Indeed, NTITB’s songs alternate between dreams and nightmares, turbulence and frenzy.

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