Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Magic Dietrich
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Magic Dietrich

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Magic Dietrich. I discovered this artist while shuffling songs on Spotify and I really liked the vibes of his music.

This artist has fascinated me because of the innovative sound he offers to the audience.

Electronic sounds mixed with acid guitars and a bass that jumps on the melody in a very original way.

The slightly raspy voice manages to add a nostalgic and charming note to a piece of music born to entertain in a psychedelic way.

This music made me think but also affected me and I began to move my neck back and forth following the groove.

A pressing rhythm, different and original.

I would recommend this artist to lovers of experimental music and anyone looking for something different.

Magic 7 is Magic Dietric’s Single Out Now!

Successful experimental music!


Quote: “Ball bustlingly brilliant belter! dark-edgy and yet thrilling arrangement of rocking instruments in the air. Very thought-provoking lyrics and a very original approach.

Find Magic Dietric Here:


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