Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Maleth is Leonardo Barilaro's Single | Indie Music
Maleth is Leonardo Barilaro’s Single | Indie Music

Good Day Noir Family,
Leonardo Barilaro is back with a magical track titled “Maleth”. From the stars to earth, this is the journey of this song.

Maleth is Leonardo Barilaro’s Single | Indie Music

This artist always manages to raise the bar. Not only his music is beautiful but the stories behind his songs are fascinating.

Knowing that this melody has been played in the space station amazed me. These sound waves now roam the infinite space and maybe one day they will be picked up by an alien intelligence. Maleth is a great way to introduce humanity to other life forms.

Leonardo Barilaro succeeds with his music in capturing all the beauty that exists in our species and on our blue planet.

The musical message knows no boundaries and can truly be the only language possible to unite all living beings.

I am moved while I write because only a few artists manage to inspire me and make me travel with my imagination like Leonardo Barilaro.

Absolutely amazing!

Maleth is Leonardo Barilaro’s Single Out Now!

Ancestral Journey!

Maleth is Leonardo Barilaro’s Single | Indie Music

Dr Barilaro, Italian from Venice and in Malta since 7 years, is also Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering at MCAST and joined forces with Professor Joseph Borg of University of Malta. “Maleth”, which is the name of the running program taking bioscience missions to space and title of the composition, is the ancient Phoenician term for Malta, and the idea of bringing the music is space has risen from the desire of inspiring people and spread awareness about this new era for mankind, on the path of becoming a multi-planetary species.
The music has been stored on the mission computer, the experiment was placed on the ISS by
astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, and accessed from the mission control room in Malta and broadcasted from Space in a special event.

The composition, for piano and synth, can be described as J.S. Bach, Hans Zimmer and Isaac Asimov relaxing and having a dreamy chat together during a summer night with a sky full of bright stars. As humans we are a self-aware species buzzing around hoping for the best and messing up things. Very rarely we try to do something meaningful, like striving for space travel to become a multi- planetary animal with an extra chance of survival.
Maleth is a symbol of this logarithmic marathon.
The music has been recorded at Jorquera Pianos, official Steinway&Sons dealer, that sponsored the music project making available and preparing specifically for the occasion a majestic Steinway model D, featured in the official videoclip, online on Monday 29th August. This day was chosen since there will be also the launch of Artemis to the Moon, setting up a new milestone for humanity.

Find Leonardo Barilaro Here:


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