Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Reset is Skar de Line's Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets
Reset is Skar de Line’s Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets

Good Day Noir Family,
our “Edgar Allan Poets’ Artists/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Skar de Line and his Single Reset. I found this Artist on Spotify and I liked the vibes of his music.

Reset is Skar de Line’s Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets

The creativity of this artist is truly incredible.

He not only writes his songs but he also directs the video clips. His Artistic vision is therefore expressed at 360 degrees.

The compositional style of Skar de Line is crepuscular and sinister and seems to hide a secret.

The thing that I liked the most is that this artist has managed to create something new. His music cannot be labeled as it seems to come from the future.

The video of the new single Reset is paranoid and intense, in some moments it reminded me of Stanley Kubrick.

The artistic taste developed by Skar de Line is surprising as every sound and visual choice seems to be perfectly fit in his musical limbo.

Certainly, I was very impressed by this his music and that is why I recommend this artist to everyone.

Reset is Skar de Line’s Single Out Now!

Innovative and mysterious!

Reset is Skar de Line’s Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets

Skar de Line is a London-based artist, born and raised in Sweden. Influences from cinematic soundtracks, hip-hop, and electronic metal all come together to create dark commercial hooks, with his lyrics trying to ask more questions than he can answer. As the eclectic, mysterious, and curious creator he is, nothing is outside the realm of possibilities for this artist.

Being a fully committed DIY creator and Renaissance man, Skar de Lines takes care of every step of the way, from writing every line of lyric and melody line to writing, directing, and editing his own music video. He has a burning vision for every step of the way and the power it gives him to tell his own story.

Find Skar de LineHere:


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