Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Sarah Rae
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Sarah Rae

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Sarah Rae. I discovered this Artist while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked the magical atmosphere created by her music.

The thing that struck me the most while listening to the music of this artist is her magnificent voice.

An incredible vocal timbre, ethereal and ancestral that made me think of being Ulysses during his odyssey when he was bewitched by the mermaids.

A voice that speaks directly to the heart and soul of the listener and manages to make you dream.

While listening to Sarah Rae’s new single ‘Shadow Girl’ I closed my eyes and found myself walking in a forest in autumn when the yellow leaves fall from the trees.

I felt part of nature, I felt the call of the forest. Sarah was mother nature and her magical voice was carried by the wind.

This is more a musical experience than just a song that I recommend everyone to listen to.

Shadow Girl is Sarah Rae’s Single Out Now!

Dreamy and Ethereal!


Sarah Rae is an independent musician based out of Atlanta, The music behind Sarah Rae is driven by a plethora of sounds combining dream pop, shoegaze, and pop punk to create soulful music, with clarity that brings you both dissonance, and harmony. She seeks to balance both the ability to breathe life into the listener with major progression, but also make them think with downward dissonance to create a clash the truly strikes your nerve.

She consistently writes about the expressions of life, and how she has managed to overcome the trials, and tribulations it has thrown at her. She was classically trained vocally, as well as classically trained on the piano starting at the age of 8.

Find Sarah Rae Here:


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