Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Temperature Falls
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Temperature Falls

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Temperature Falls. I discovered this Duo while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked their groove.

Hypnotic and fascinating sounds that’s what Temperature Falls propose to us.

The voice of the singer more than make the temperature fall has raised it as it is very sexy and speaks directly to the heart.

Repetitive grooves that pulse like the life that surrounds us, in some moments reminded me of Massive Attack.

I let myself be carried away by the music of this band that made me travel with my imagination exploring parallel universes…I found myself dancing in a remote bar of Oslo, drunk and alone with people around me looking at me disgusted.

I didn’t give a damn about their judgment and I continued to dance because the music of Temperature Falls was now part of me and prevented me from staying still.

Contagious music that leaves no escape.

Death By Suffocation is Temperature Falls’ Single Out Now!

Haunting Atmosphere!


Temperature Falls is a trip-hop/alternative rock duo from Oslo, Norway that blends influences including Bjork, Portishead and Pearl Jam into a brilliantly atmospheric and original new sound. Comprised of vocalist/lyricist Camilla and multi-instrumentalist Ian J. Ward.

Temperature Falls uses music to create moods and tangible feelings that resonate deeply with its listeners. The songs are contemporary and classic at once and instantly pull you into their deliciously hypnotic worlds. The project began with a chance meeting between Camilla and Ward that led the pair into Ward’s studio, where they discovered their magic. Having no choice but to continue, the two spent every possible moment of 2018 creating Temperature Falls.

The music mixes the glorious euphoria of trip-hop with the backbone of alternative rock in a way that compels you to keep listening.

Find Temperature Falls Here:


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