Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Antisolar
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Antisolar

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Antisolar. I discovered this Duo while shuffling songs on Spotify and have been intrigued by their sound.

I liked from the fisrt seconds the energy that the music of this duo manages to unleash.

A compositional style that takes its cue from the past but manages to be modern at the same time.

The chord progression is never predictable and banal and it’s able to entertain the listener from the first to the last second with very interesting rhythmic changes and melodic intuitions.

The production is interesting, the general sound reminded me of late 80s bands.

Particular mention for the voice, I really liked the vocal timbre of the singer. A very tuned and precise voice that literally comes out of the mix and imposes itself on the music and manages to distinguish the general sound of Antisolar.

A nice discovery that I recommend to everyone.

You Resurrect Me is Antisolar’s Single Out Now!

Great Atmosphere!


For almost two decades, Paris-based Olivier Raynal and L.A.-based Andrew Doolittle have enjoyed a friendship and musical partnership despite living over 5,500 miles apart. They met in 2005 when Andrew dropped by a recording session for Olivier’s previous band, Stripped Polaris. In the months that followed, Andrew contributed guitars to a couple tracks on the record and directed backing musicians for the band’s shows in L.A. and Paris.

Since then, Olivier and Andrew’s careers have blossomed: Olivier as an actor for Film and Television (La Légende, the Crown), Theatre (Fool for Love, for which he won Best Actor in a Leading Role at the Avignon Theater Festival) and Voice (Diesel and Mercedes-Benz campaigns), Andrew as a guitarist and sometimes musical director for artists including Rita Wilson, Idina Menzel and David Tao (陶喆). Through it all, they’ve collaborated to write music remotely and, when their travel schedules created opportunities to meet up, in person. Their new band, Antisolar, is the vehicle for sharing the music they’ve written together.

Find Antisolar Here:


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