Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Eight Paintings for Piano is Klein & Jamison's Album
Eight Paintings for Piano is Klein & Jamison’s Album

Good Day Noir Family,
welcome to Edgar Allan Poets indie music corner. A space dedicated to the best new artists and bands we find around the web. Today’s feature Duo is Klein & Jamison and their Album Eight Paintings for Piano.

Eight Paintings for Piano is Klein & Jamison’s Album

Perhaps calling them Duo is an understatement.

Indeed, today we are faced with two extraordinary composers. Their collaboration is giving top-quality tracks to the world and I was enchanted listening to the melodies contained in the album Eight Paintings for Piano.

The title is particularly apt as you feel like you are in the room with Van Gogh as he paints his Sunflowers. Or in Caravaggio’s attic while he paints Judith Beheading Holofernes.

This music manages to make marvelous images flash before your eyes. A journey through human emotions, between joy and pain, expectation and ecstasy.

The compositional maturity of Klein & Jamison is indisputable. These compositions are enhanced by impeccable performances and interpretation.

I suggest you listen to this music with your eyes closed and above all, you must listen to the album several times in order to enjoy every little nuance. This masterpiece should be savored in small sips like a glass of aged whiskey.

Absolutely amazing!

Eight Paintings for Piano is Klein & Jamison’s Album Out Now!

Pure Art!

Eight Paintings for Piano is Klein & Jamison’s Album

Jim Klein and Ian Jamison have been collaborating since 2018. They are based in Colorado and Arizona. In 2021, concert pianist Adam Zukiewicz played an all Klein-Jamison concert during The Beethoven in the Rockies Series: Six Preludes, Piano Sonata (The Abyss), Breaking Waves and Ah. The Colorado Piano Trio debuted Jamison’s arrangements of George Gershwin’s SummerTime and other American standards for piano trio at UNC Greeley in August 2022. In October 2022, The Loveland Orchestra, under the baton of Maestro Louie Silvestri, premiered Klein and Jamison’s The Flood. Colorado Piano Trio premiered The Blue Diamond at Black, Starr & Frost in Phoenix, Arizona, November 2022. The Blue Diamond is also scheduled for performances in April 2023, Westcliffe Colorado and in Greeley Colorado. The Blue Diamond was recorded in January and is scheduled for release in 2023. In March 2023, Zukiewicz will perform Piano Sonata (The Abyss) at ASU Tempe, Arizona. Klein and Jamison’s piece for choir and orchestra, Summation, will be performed in Boulder and in Greeley, Colorado in October 2023.
The Klein-Jamison Sonata for Saxophone and Piano will be recorded by Andrew Dahlke in 2023. Klein and Jamison’s Sonata for Saxophone and Piano No. 2 is scheduled for recording this summer by Calvin Wong and Siyi Chen and planned for a 2023 premiere in Arizona. The Klein-Jamison Sonata for Clarinet and Piano will also be recorded and premiered this year by Peter Stoll and Adam Zukiewicz with performances planned for Toronto, Canada, and in Colorado, including an April 2023 performance in UNC Greeley.

Find Klein & Jamison Here:


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