Good Day Noir Family,
welcome to Edgar Allan Poets indie music corner. A space dedicated to the best new artists and bands we find around the web. Today’s Featured Band is Requiem For Oblivion and their single Eye Of The Deceiver.
Eye Of The Deceiver is Requiem For Oblivion’s Single | Indie Music
The sound of this band attacked me like a herd of buffalo running towards you.
The voice hits you straight like a punch in the face and manages to take you into a dark and epic universe.
The major architect of this musical project is Steve Jacobson who collaborates with Mike Scutella on drums.
Steve’s musical and compositional vision is unique as he has managed to blend various genres together from Black Metal to industrial creating a truly original sound blend.
You feel that there is a musical understanding between these guys as the intricate rhythmic variations and the articulated chord progression are supported on a technical level in an impeccable way.
This music manages to speak directly to the listener’s soul, recalling primitive and ancestral emotions.
A band to keep under the radar as the musical universe they have created is intriguing and instinctive.
Eye Of The Deceiver is Requiem For Oblivion’s Single Out Now!
Powerful and Real!
Eye Of The Deceiver is Requiem For Oblivion’s Single | Indie Music
Requiem For Oblivion is the brain child of Steve Jacobson (a veteran of the metal scenes in both Sacramento, CA and Erie, PA). Steve has assembled various musicians throughout the years to help him push his dream onward.
RFO has been considered ‘hybrid’ death metal because of all the various influences and manifestations of the music. Each song takes listeners down many roads and one could say there are songs within songs.
Being a recovering addict of many years, he has written on problems within the mind (addiction, mental illness) and how they can radiate out to cause havoc in the nation and even the world. After all, projection is a real phenomenon and we live in a holographic universe.
Requiem For Oblivion has played a show hosted by Metal Sanaz and has shared the stage with national and regional acts such as Katatonia, Intronaut, Tesseract, Vital Remains, Cult Of Luna, Kataklysm, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Rose Funeral, Mushroomhead, Kriadiaz, and Ventana.
The band currently consists of founder Steve and drummer Mike Scutella and throughout the pandemic and beyond, they have solidified their tech-death, slam, atmospheric style and are bringing in a new era of songwriting consistency.