Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Feel Love is Sano Hill's Single
Feel Love is Sano Hill’s Single

Good Day Noir Family,
another tune from Sano Hill another touching song full of meaning.

Feel Love is Sano Hill’s Single

This artist is inspired by the events that are affecting the world and with his music, he wants to give us some hope for a better future.

Sano Hill’s greatest quality is precisely that of transferring a common thought into music. This is why each of us feels part of his songs… because we all think a bit like him.

Sano Hill addresses the strong emotions that move human beings and wants us to focus on the positive ones.

The sophistication of the arrangements is incredible. This song took me back to the past and reminded me of the 80s in some passages.

The vocal interpretation is touching and manages to add a magical meaning to the whole song.

Fantastic as usual!

Feel Love is Sano Hill’s Single Out Now!

Intense and Deep!

Feel Love is Sano Hill’s Single

“This song is a deep expression of the power of love within us all to overcome. Connecting with this aspect of ourselves, and realising the interconnection of who we are with everyone and the world around us is crucial to the wellbeing and future of our world. In a time of great instability, war, and potential environmental catastrophe, this song is an appeal to ‘feel love’ again as a starting point for how we respond appropriately to what is going on in the world.

The lyrics are spare and direct – but hopefully clear. They are inspired by what is going on today – the upcoming season of goodwill and the journeys home that many people take to family and friends is also an inspiration – but also the many millions around the world who have been forced from their homes (particularly in Ukraine but also parts of Africa, Asia and beyond) and the need to remember them also.”

Find Sano Hill Here:


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