Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Me My Body And I is Mick J. Clark's Single
Me My Body And I is Mick J. Clark’s Single

Good Day Noir Family,
I already reviewed Mick J. Clark in the past but this artist is back with a new cool single and I want to share my opinion about it.

Me My Body And I is Mick J. Clark’s Single

This artist demonstrates once again how music can be a powerful means to address social issues and try to solve them.

I am very impressed by artists like Mick J. Clark. Artists that when composing a song always try to share a deep message.

This artist’s music manages to entertain you and give you a good musical moment but at the same time wants to make us think.

In this case, Me My Body And I wants to help kids accept themselves for who they are. Today’s social media-based society that focuses everything on physical appearance doesn’t help kids to be free and happy in their bodies.

The new generations often feel inadequate and fall into depression. This song wants to encourage them to be themselves and to try not to give importance to ruthless social judgment.

Absolutely reconfirmed!

Me My Body And I is Mick J. Clark’s Single Out Now!

Deep and Mature!

Me My Body And I is Mick J. Clark’s Single

This song has been sent out to all Schools in the Croydon Borough by the Croydon Education Dept, and are backed by the NSPCC, Mental Health Charities, The National FGM Centre, The Croydon Education Dept, Edu Kit, and the London and Croydon Mayors. Please pass this song on to the Children, because we have found out that there is ‘No’ Morning Assembly singing anymore, ‘Very, Very Bad’.

We must give every child the ‘tools’ they need to cope with today’s life, like confidence, self-worth, acceptance, knowledge and understanding of why Big Business and some children act as they do, ( maybe against them ), and also tell children as they are targeted by Big Business that they need to ‘help each other’ against the pressures of life. But more than just listening to this song, we should get Schools to sing this song in assembly, (linking arms in a show of Solidarity for one another), because singing is empowering, and our children are being targeted so much today that some children cannot handle the pressure and the bullying. Also, ‘There Is No Morning Assembly Singing Anymore’, very bad !!!

Find Mick J. Clark Here:


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