Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Near Me is 1st Base Runner's Video | Edgar Allan Poets
Near Me is 1st Base Runner’s Video | Edgar Allan Poets

Good Day Noir Family,
our “Edgar Allan Poets’ Artists/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to 1st Base Runner and his video Near Me. I found this artist on Spotify I was fascinated by the uniqueness of this creativity.

Near Me is 1st Base Runner’s Video | Edgar Allan Poets

It’s hard to describe what I felt while watching this video.

I must say that I liked the atmosphere right away as I am a lover of David Lynch and Lars von Trier’s films. This video is full of those paranoid nuances that we can find in the films of the aforementioned directors.

Obviously, Hitchcock is also there and the sense of “Vertigo” is assured while watching it.

The images perfectly describe the mood of this magnificent tune. Hallucinations of a creative mind that lives between this and the other reality. The little dancer perhaps represents the voice of the instinct within us that we only rarely listen to.

Danger is always lurking around us like the headlights of the mysterious car passing outside the club.

Near Me is absolutely brilliant, not only the video but also the song. I instantly became a fan of 1st Base Runner.  His artistic vision intrigued me a lot and I will begin to follow him carefully.

Absolutely recommended.

Near Me is 1st Base Runner’s Single & Video Out Now!


Near Me is 1st Base Runner’s Video | Edgar Allan Poets

Vignettes of a misty dreamland with emergent, pulsing mantras and addictive breathy vocals. 1st Base Runner is the immersive new project from Texas electronic indie artist Tim Husmann.

Each track is meticulously crafted blending trip hop, gothic pop, and avant-garde post-rock to create an airy, atmospheric world of its own. The surrealist soundscapes are filled with infectious vocal melodies and lyrics on the varied frictions of our existence.

“Near Me” captures 1st Base Runner’s inner world at it’s most surreal, psychedelic, dream-like and dangerous. Rich with hallucinatory symbolism and harrowing archetypes, this visionary music video successfully merges the aesthetics of Bates Motel and Alice in Wonderland to chilling effect. A bravado performance from Tim Husmann makes this a must-watch new release.

Find 1st Base Runner Here:


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