Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Signs of Sites' New Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets | Indie Music
Signs of Sites’ New Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets | Indie Music

Good Day Noir Family,
welcome to Edgar Allan Poets indie music corner. A space dedicated to the best new artists and bands that we find around the web. Today’s featured artist is Signs of Site and his new Single We’re in the Words Where We’re Born. A superb song that manages to inspire the listener.

Signs of Sites’ New Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets | Indie Music

The magical universe created by this artist’s music immediately made me dream.

The deep voice and the reverberated sound effects create a hypnotic atmosphere. This sound works on your cerebral cortex, stimulates neurons, and ignites cathartic processes that take you away from this reality.

I found myself floating in the air above an unknown planet. I felt safe lulled by the universe and for a moment I felt like I had all the answers to my questions.

The production is excellent and the compositional qualities of Signs of Site are masterful.

The attention to every little nuance makes this music a gift. A therapeutic sound that speaks directly to the soul and heart of the listener.

Signs of Site has great sensitivity and is capable of putting into music the great emotions that his soul unleashes.

We’re in the Words Where We’re Born is Signs of Sites’ Single Out Now!

Refined and Magical!

Signs of Sites’ New Single Out Now | Edgar Allan Poets | Indie Music

David Weinberg Asher is known for improv and using the piano in creative ways. He grew up in a small town and began playing piano from an early age, never learning how to read music. He pursued theater through most of high school and college, and started work as a comedic improviser in the early 2000s. While living in Amsterdam and working at the Boom improv theater, he began to experiment with recording music in a home studio that he built around a piano that came with his apartment. His music ranged in style from singer-songwriter to more alternative electronic, and psychedelic. Returning to America in 2005 he took a job playing the piano at the famed iO Improv Olympic Theater. During his tenure there, he recorded 15 self produced albums of indie electronica.

Throughout most of his adult life, David struggled with mental health and addiction. He had a serious hospitalization in 2018 that changed his outlook on things, including his goals as an artist. He began the “Crazy! Right?” podcast, on which he improvises a piano soundtrack while his guests share their experiences with mental health and addiction. This led to a second podcast “Scoring You” with a similar format focused more generally on the arts and music improv.

In the beginning of 2022, David began releasing instrumental tracks focused mostly on the piano and relying heavily on improvisation. This coincided with the creation of two additional projects: Signs of Site and exitstands.

Find Signs of Site Here:


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