Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Discovered In Botswana The Third Largest Diamond
Discovered In Botswana The Third Largest Diamond

A 1,174-carat rough diamond was discovered in Botswana. The president of the state, Mokgweetsi Masisi, has it in his hands, during the presentation in Gaborone. It was the Canadian mining company Lucara to find it.

Botswana is the world leader in finding the largest stones, the country has six of the largest diamonds in the world.

Discovered In Botswana The Third Largest Diamond

“For me, it is a fascinating moment – says the president of Botswana, Mokgweetsi Masisi – it is a fascinating moment because when we said we wanted to change our development trajectory, we did it being fully convinced that our biggest contributor to GDP is the mining area”.

The precious stone discovered on June 12 is on the third step of the podium of “largest diamond in the world” and has incredibly undermined a stone found on June 1, again in the African country, by the Debswana company, owned by the local government and of the South African mining giant De Beers, which had proudly claimed to have found the third largest diamond in the world, but “only” 1,098 carats.

“An Historical Discovery” for Lucara Diamond Botswana CEO Naseem Lahri:

“It’s a big deal for us, particularly because if you look at the big stones and the big stones hierarchy, it’s currently at number three in the hierarchy. But as I told the media today, we take the lead in terms of the 10 biggest stones. : we hold 60% of those and 5 out of 6 belong to Lucara Botswana “.

The largest known diamond in the world is the “Cullinan”, more than 3,100 carats, discovered in South Africa in 1905, part of which adorns the British crown.

Discovered In Botswana The Third Largest Diamond

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