Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Turntable Tribulations is The Margaret Hooligans' Album
Turntable Tribulations is The Margaret Hooligans’ Album

Good Day Noir Family,
It is the artistic vision in its entirety that in my opinion manages to distinguish and make certain bands stand out from others.

Turntable Tribulations is The Margaret Hooligans’ Album

The compositional coherence that the Margaret Hooligans demonstrate in this album leaves you speechless.

It seems counterintuitive to talk about coherence for songs that are instinctive and psychedelic like an LSD trip … but having such a sincere and wild rock spirit is coherent in your opinion…what do you think?

The Margaret Hooligans never deny their essence and continue like a train on the tracks straight to their destination. And it doesn’t matter if the destination is not New York or London but Salvation Mountain in Slab City near the Salton Sea, they go where their music deserves to be.  Where there are free people who do not follow social rules, where there are renegades who rebel against the dogmas of the world.

All the songs on this album are fantastic and the more you listen to them the more you want Turntable Tribulations to never end because this music makes you breathe the air of freedom and the wind of change.

Treat yourself to this musical experience, and let yourself be carried away by the sound of this fantastic band.

Turntable Tribulations is The Margaret Hooligans’ Album Out Now!

A Wild Experience!

Turntable Tribulations is The Margaret Hooligans’ Album

The electric ukulele and drum duo is back with Turntable Tribulations, a follow up to last year’s BoomBox Blasts, which was a compilation of songs written during the Covid-19 lockdowns. These songs were also written and recorded during the pandemic, but were recorded later, and feature clean recordings and tight production, while retaining the chaotic sloppiness that is the band’s signature style. Their themes have expanded to include several songs that deal with different aspects of interacting in a virtual world, “Feedback”, a recently released single about opinion overload and oversharing in digital spaces, “Bippity Boppity” the half-rap half sung tirade against performing constantly for the seemingly insatiable beast that is social media, and “Good Morning Micro Man”, a jaunty tongue and cheek about a Silicon Valley billionaire who microdoses LSD “to divine what fund to hedge.”


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