Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Criminal Ravens Holding A Shop Owner Hostage
Criminal Ravens Holding A Shop Owner Hostage

We are fans of the ravens here for obvious reasons. These animals are smart, charming, and intelligent. If Edgar Allan Poe has even dedicated one of his most famous poems to a Raven, there must be a reason.

A bird that carries an ancestral mystery and which for some is very fascinating and for others is absolutely disgusting.

Criminal Ravens Holding A Shop Owner Hostage

All Black with a shrill and awkward chirping sometimes it seems that the Raven is a freak of nature.

It seems that the entity that has decided to create everything that surrounds us has always wanted to point out the ambivalence between beautiful and ugly, between pleasant and unpleasant.

What if the opposites instead of being so different are united in an eternal balance?

What if the Raven is the most beautiful bird on earth, even more beautiful than a peacock or a swan?

Beauty is subjective of course, we like crows because they are always involved in strange situations like this one.

In a shop in Norfolk (Uk), this is what the owner was forced to suffer by two menacing ravens. The two criminals were out the door waiting for him like two “gangsters”.

The causes that have unleashed the anger of the birds are still unknown … maybe the shop owner had dropped an Edgar Allan Poe’s book and rightly so the Ravens wanted to make him understand his mistake.

An event that recalls the legendary film “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock.

Criminal Ravens Holding A Shop Owner Hostage

Content Provided To You By Edgar Allan Poets The Band Inspired By Poe & Hitchcock
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