Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Love Bomb is Áyal's Single Out Now
Love Bomb is Áyal’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
Áyal explodes onto the scene with “Love Bomb,” a single that’s pure sonic adrenaline.

Love Bomb is Áyal’s Single Out Now

The drums pound like a heartbeat on overdrive, a potent mix of 80s glam and modern muscle.

Grinding guitars snarl and distort, perfectly complementing Áyal’s theatrical vocals. It’s a full-on rock assault that’s impossible to ignore.

This isn’t just about catchy riffs and soaring vocals, though. There’s a clear vision at play here. Áyal tackles the universal theme of toxic love, laying bare the raw emotions with unflinching honesty.

It’s a message that resonates – we’ve all likely been tangled in a love story that turned destructive. The song champions authenticity as the key to genuine connection, a sentiment that cuts through the noise.

“Love Bomb” is an epic rock experience. The intensity builds throughout, culminating in a gloriously anthemic finale. It’s a powerful debut that leaves you wanting more.

Áyal is an artist with a clear message and a sound that hits hard. With “Love Bomb,” they’ve detonated a sonic explosion that announces the arrival of a force of nature.

Love Bomb is Áyal’s Single Out Now!


Emerging from the New York theatre scene, New York-based emerging non-binary artist Áyal (pronounced EYE-yahl) Is releasing their debut single “Love Bomb,” a powerhouse pop-rock anthem speaking out against manipulative affection.

Fueled by a real-life experience, “Love Bomb” sees Áyal transforming anger and pain into a powerful declaration of self-worth. Áyal sheds light on the insidious tactic of love bombing whereby someone showers another with excessive affection in order to gain control over them and damage their emotional well-being.

Find Áyal Here:


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